
Invisalign can give you the beautiful straight teeth you've always wanted. It works through a series of invisible, removable, and comfortable aligners that no one can tell you're wearing. So you can smile more during treatment as well as after. Thousands of adults have already benefited from treatment in America where over 3,000 orthodontists have treated their patients with Invisalign.

Invisalign Frequently Asked Questions

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is a modern orthodontic treatment that uses a series of clear, removable aligners to straighten teeth. It offers a virtually invisible way to achieve a beautifully aligned smile without the need for traditional braces.

How Does Invisalign Work?

Invisalign works by gradually shifting your teeth using a series of custom-made, clear aligners. Each aligner is worn for about two weeks, gently moving your teeth into the desired position. As you progress through the series, your smile transforms.

What Dental Issues Can Invisalign Correct?

Invisalign can effectively treat various dental issues, including crooked or crowded teeth, gaps, overbites, underbites, and crossbites. However, complex cases may require traditional braces.

Is Invisalign Suitable for Adults and Teens?

Yes, Invisalign is suitable for both adults and teenagers. It's a popular choice among adults due to its discreet nature, and Invisalign Teen is specifically designed to accommodate the unique dental needs of adolescents.

How Long Does Invisalign Treatment Take?

The duration of Invisalign treatment varies based on individual needs. On average, it takes about 12 to 18 months for most adults. For teens, the length of treatment is similar to that of traditional braces.

How Often Should I Wear the Aligners?

For optimal results, wear your Invisalign aligners for 20 to 22 hours per day, removing them only for eating, drinking (except water), brushing, and flossing.

Can I Eat and Drink While Wearing Invisalign?

It's recommended to remove your aligners before eating and drinking anything other than water. This prevents staining and damage to the aligners. Afterward, brush your teeth before putting the aligners back in.

How Do I Clean Invisalign Aligners?

Rinse your aligners under lukewarm water regularly. Clean them gently with a soft toothbrush and mild soap. Avoid hot water, which can warp the aligners. We provide detailed cleaning instructions to maintain their clarity and effectiveness.

Why Choose Invisalign?

Invisible and Comfortable: Invisalign aligners are transparent, making them virtually undetectable. They are also custom-fit to your teeth, ensuring a comfortable and snug fit.

Removable: Unlike braces, Invisalign aligners are removable. You can take them out to eat, drink, brush, and floss, allowing you to maintain your oral hygiene with ease.

Effective Treatment: Invisalign effectively treats a wide range of dental issues, including crooked teeth, crowded teeth, gaps, and bite problems. Each set of aligners is designed to address specific dental concerns, gradually guiding your teeth into the desired position.

Faster Results: In many cases, Invisalign treatment can achieve results faster than traditional braces, with some patients seeing significant improvements in as little as a few months.

The Invisalign Process

During your initial consultation, our experienced dentist will assess your oral health, discuss your goals, and determine if Invisalign is the right option for you.

Custom Treatment Plan: We create a customized treatment plan tailored to your unique dental needs. Using advanced 3D imaging technology, we design your series of clear aligners.

Wearing Your Aligners: You'll wear each set of aligners for approximately 20-22 hours a day, changing to a new set approximately every one to two weeks as your teeth gradually shift.

Regular Check-ups: We'll schedule regular check-ups to monitor your progress and provide you with new sets of aligners as needed.

Achieve Your Dream Smile: Once your treatment is complete, you'll enjoy a beautifully aligned smile that boosts your confidence and oral health.

Schedule Your Invisalign Consultation Today!

Ready to transform your smile with Invisalign? Contact us to schedule a consultation with our experienced Invisalign providers. Let us help you achieve the smile you've always dreamed of, comfortably and discreetly. Discover the power of Invisalign at Astoria Dental!

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